Travelpeques Blog Feast of the Volunteer IInd Edition, June 24 at the Folchi Hall of St. John of Sorrows

Feast of the Volunteer IInd Edition, June 24 at the Folchi Hall of St. John of Sorrows

Feast of the Volunteer II Edition, June 24 at the Folk Hall of St. John of Sorrows

This coming June 24, St. John’s Day, the Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata will celebrate for the second year in a row the Volunteer Festival, the traditional friendship gathering between operators and volunteers who provide care in our wards and outpatient clinics.

The event, during which the company’s project “United for Humanization (U × U)” will be presented, will be held in the presence of Lazio Region Health Councillor Alessio D’Amato, and with the friendly participation of Stefania Sandrelli as godmother of the event.

Volunteer Day in collaboration with Third Sector

Collaboration with the Third Sector has always characterized the history of St. John’s Hospital and is part of a path of welcoming and humanization that the Company has inherited and consolidated to emphasize the centrality and dignity of the sick person.

Associazione Diabetici Addolorata (ADA), Associazione Regionale Volontari Assistenza Sanitaria (ARVAS), Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue (AVIS), Associazione Volontari Ospedalieri (AVO), Gruppo Donatori di Sangue CARLA SANDRI, DOMINA – Women Operate alla Mammella in Associazione – Onlus, Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale MARIO MIELI, Fondazione PROMETEUS Onlus, Opera San Vincenzo de’ Paoli, Tribunal for Patients’ Rights carry out aid and advocacy activities in synergy with health care personnel, constituting a valuable humanization support in the activity of caring for the sick and their families.

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