An important new initiative of the ASL ROMA F in the area of prevention. Partirà In fact, as of Mondayì next February 28 a’wide-ranging epidemiological survey on the guests of the two Prison Institutions located in Civitavecchia.
ASL ROMA F's Department of Prevention will conductà a screening of the male and female prison population, about 700 inmates, aimed at ascertaining the’incidence of tuberculosis disease.
The test, which consists of the’recruitment of a particular reagent and in the’possible subsequent radiographic investigation, will allowà of ascertaining active cases and arranging for the necessary drug treatment, as well as theé prevent the spread of disease among inmates.
L’initiative, strongly desired by the management of the ASL and welcomed with favor and interest by the management of the two prisons as well asé by Lazio's Guarantor of Prisoners' Rights, moves from the consideration that the’high rate of inmates from countries with a high prevalence of the disease and the situation of overcrowding in prisons may favor the possibility ofà of contracting and spreading l’tuberculosis pathogen.
L’investigation that necessarily involves a collection of anamnestic data and the search for correlation with pathologies far moreù series such as the’HIV, è among the first of its kind in Italy and è coordinated by Dr. Massimo Magnano, and will likely be able toà represent a methodological model exportable to other realitiesà.
Another important chapter, in short, of the’activitiesà of the ASL ROMA F to promote among all citizens a culture of prevention and health promotion, especially for the benefit of the mostù fragile.