Travelpeques Blog Drink, Drink and Drink three words not to forget

Drink, Drink and Drink three words not to forget

Drink, Drink and Drink: three words not to forget

It’s 6 o’clock.30 in the morning, the alarm clock rings in the capital, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and a new workday begins.
We know that traffic is one of the most irritating problems in Rome, combined with the long waits caused by constant delays on public transportation. Situations that cause us constant stress every day.

This bad mood is often fueled by a bad lifestyle, such as not drinking enough during the day and thus dehydrating one’s body.

It’s true, let’s face it, there is less desire to drink water, we often hear nutritionists telling us that we need to take in at least two liters of fluids a day, but we from that ear do not want to hear.

We must make an effort and remember to drink. A healthy habit that has endless benefits, including:

  • increased hydration of the body
  • loss of excess pounds
  • improvement of mental and physical balance

Forgetting to drink is a bad habit that can be solved with a few simple tricks, let’s see them together:

  1. Start your day with a good infusion of warm water with the addition of ginger (draining and digestive) or lemon;
  2. As soon as you get to work, walk up to one of the water bottle dispensers in Rome and grab some water to use in the kettle to make a purifying or energizing herbal tea (there are so many types of herbs to use and scents that you will be spoiled for choice);
  3. Place on your desk or otherwise near you a small water bottle: will remind you to drink throughout the day;
  4. Don’t leave water in the refrigerator, it’s already cold, no need to cuddle with an ice cold drink. “Room temperature” is ideal to avoid attacking our bodies;
  5. Include in the food plan some velouté, there are plenty of them on the market even ready-made and to be cooked in the microwave. They are great because they warm and help detoxify the’body;
  6. Start eating those foods rich in water and detox properties. Example? Artichokes, red vegetables, chicory, citrus fruits and pumpkin.

These tips are panaceas for the body, simple solutions that can give us the right boost of energy. A little push is helpful to face the week with a more combative and determined spirit, to discover how around us there are not only problems (traffic, persistent calls at work, rants with friends and/or colleagues), but also small precious moments like admiring the Colosseum covered in snow, taking a plate of cacio e pepe in Piazza Navona or walking on the Ponte Milvio and making a wish.

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