TODAY, June 14, is celebrated worldwide as World Blood Donor Day, a day of celebration dedicated to all people (millions!) who donate blood every day, often helping to save lives.
We all believe in voluntary and conscious donation of blood and its components: an important gesture that starts from each person's heart and reaches out to the whole communityà.

As every year, for 2010, the Sabatino Local Committee has planned upcoming Blood Donations the dates and locations scheduled are as follows:
– Sunday, JULY 18 in BRACCIANO, Via delle Palme (bloodmobile)
– Sunday, AUGUST 1 in TREVIGNANO ROMANO Piazza del Molo (bloodmobile)
– Sunday, SEPTEMBER 12 in CANALE MONTERANO Largo IV Novembre – Montevirginio (hall)
– Sunday, OCTOBER 24 in BRACCIANO Via delle Palme (bloodmobile)
– Sunday, NOVEMBER 28 in MANZIANA Via dei Platani (hall – CRI headquarters)
– Sunday, DECEMBER 19 in TREVIGNANO ROMANO Piazza del Molo (bloodmobile)
– SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 2011 CANALE MONTERANO Largo IV Novembre – Montevirginio (hall)
Most people canò Donate blood, and everyone may, at least once in their lives, need it. “Donate blood” è Take conscious action to have moreù blood possible, and also make it clear how this act of participation makesà Feeling better about ourselves and those we help. You must be at least 18 years old to donate blood. You canò donate whole blood until the’età 65 years of age, while for plasma and platelet donations the limit è than 60 years old. È Need to weigh at least 50 kg, be in good health and lead a lifestyle without risky behaviors.

Then there are pathological or behavioral conditions that are not compatible temporarily or permanently with donation because they are harmful to the donor, such as heart disease, l’gastric or duodenal ulcer, the’anemia. Temporary suspension is cause for those conditions for which, after the period of ineligibilityà, you può resume the’activityà of donation, such as, for example, flu syndrome, pharyngitis (sore throat), gastroenteritis, certain types of therapy (antibiotics), surgery, travel to tropical areas. The infectious risk più dreaded è that from HIV (virus responsible for AIDS), HBV (virus responsible for hepatitis B) and HCV (virus responsible for hepatitis C). Today, laboratory tests for the diagnosis of these diseases are extremely sensitive and specific, making it possible to detect the presence of the virus in the blood shortly after the infection’infection. new molecular biology techniques can search for the presence of fragments of the infectious agent in blood.

However, there is an interval of time when the virus present in the body does not è detectable by laboratory tests, the so-called “diagnostic window period”.
To overcome this testing limitation, during the interview between the doctor and donor, at a time still “potential”, great attention is given to certain risky behaviors, such as the’taking drugs, risky sexual intercourse, having sex or living with people who are positive for hepatitis B, hepatitis C or AIDS, as well as getting tattoos or piercings, etc
For more information you can contact: Claudio Bugliazzini.

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